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Cerebral Palsy Caused By Medical Malpractice

March 22, 2017

Cerebral palsy caused by medical malpractice

 The family of a child born with severe cerebral palsy won a lawsuit and obtained a verdict for $20.5 million against the health care providers responsible for the baby’s delivery.  Before the baby’s birth, the pregnant mother called her doctor’s office to report that she thought her baby was experiencing problems.  The doctor’s office staff told her to go to the hospital immediately, which she did. At the hospital, the mother was put on a fetal monitoring machine.  The monitor showed the baby was in fetal distress.  The hospital nurses notified the mother’s obstetrician of the fetal distress but he did not come to the hospital until 2 hours later.  Even after the doctor arrived at the hospital, there were more delays in the delivery which caused oxygen deprivation in the baby (called birth asphyxia).  The baby boy was born with severe cerebral palsy and blindness. The family won its medical malpractice lawsuit for the injuries.

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