Family History Of Breast Cancer Substantially Increases Your Risk
Family History of Breast Cancer Increases Your Risk
According to a new study, a woman with a strong family history of breast cancer is at four times higher risk of breast cancer than that of the general population — even if she does not carry one of the BRCA genes. And in women younger than age 40 without the BRCA gene, but with a very strong family history, the risk is about 15 times higher than the general population. A woman who tests positive for BRCA1 or BRCA2 has an 80 percent lifetime risk of getting breast cancer, while women such as those in her study with a strong family history but no BRCA1 or 2 mutation have about a 40 percent lifetime risk. The average woman has about a 10 percent lifetime risk of developing breast cancer. The findings suggest there are other genetic mutations that play a role in breast cancer. Women with a strong family history might consider more frequent screening, including breast MRI. Also, these women should use anti-cancer drugs such as tamoxifen to prevent getting breast cancer. For information about breast cancer, see the breast cancer malpractice lawyers of Pennsylvania, headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA.